freeCodeCamp Challenge Guide: Chain Search Query Helpers to Narrow Search Results

Chain Search Query Helpers to Narrow Search Results


Hint 1

To create but not execute a find query

Model.find({ name: "Leah" });

Hint 2

To store the find query into a variable for later use:

var findQuery = YourModel.find({ name: "Leah" });

Hint 3

To sort an array:

yourArray.sort({ age: 1 }); // Here: 1 for ascending	order and -1 for descending order.

Hint 4

To limit an array’s size:

yourArray.limit(5); // return array which has 5 items in it.

Hint 5

To hide certain property from the result:{ name: 0, age: 1 }); // Here: 0 means false and thus hide name property; 1 means true so age property will show.

Hint 6

To execute this query, you can either:

  1. Callback:
YourQuery.exec(function(err, docs) {
  //do something here

Hint 7


  1. Promise
YourQuery.exec.then(function(err, docs) {
  //do something here

Hint 8

Chain it all together:

Person.find({ age: 55 })
  .sort({ name: -1 })
  .select({ favoriteFoods: 0 })
  .exec(function(error, people) {
    //do something here