freeCodeCamp Challenge Guide: Run Functional Tests using a Headless Browser

Run Functional Tests using a Headless Browser

Problem Explanation

To begin, open the file “tests/2_functional_tests.js” and locate the browser based tests.

Change the link to the current URL of your project if you are completing this challenge online. If you are using a local development environment, replace the line with Browser.localhost('', (process.env.PORT || 3000));.

Find test ‘submit “surname” : “Colombo” - write your e2e test…’ and read the instructions to determine how to pass this challenge.


Hint 1

Using the example above, look at how the assertions are making comparisons between the expected and actual values of the response.

Hint 2

All assertions should be browser.assert in order to correctly pass.

Hint 3

Replace the statement with your own tests based on the instructions in the comments. Check the example above for syntax if you get stuck.

Hint 4

Check the tests on the challenge page for expected values.


Solution 1 (Click to Show/Hide)
test('submit "surname" : "Colombo" - write your e2e test...', function(done) {
  // fill the form...
  // then submit it pressing 'submit' button.
  // in the callback...
  // assert that status is OK 200
  // assert that the text inside the element 'span#name' is 'Cristoforo'
  // assert that the text inside the element 'span#surname' is 'Colombo'
  // assert that the element(s) 'span#dates' exist and their count is 1
  browser.fill('surname', 'Colombo').pressButton('submit', function() {
    /** YOUR TESTS HERE, Don't forget to remove **/

    // pressButton is Async.  Waits for the ajax call to complete...

    // assert that status is OK 200
    // assert that the text inside the element 'span#name' is 'Cristoforo'
    browser.assert.text('span#name', 'Cristoforo');
    // assert that the text inside the element 'span#surname' is 'Colombo'
    browser.assert.text('span#surname', 'Colombo');
    // assert that the element(s) 'span#dates' exist and their count is 1
    browser.assert.element('span#dates', 1);

    done(); // It's an async test, so we have to call 'done()''
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